wear armor

wear armorwear armor
  1. Knights of old had to wear armor in battle .


  2. And they all know how to wear armor .


  3. I should wear the armor and you the gown .


  4. Competitors were required to wear specialist armor to ( ideally ) protect them from any serious injury .


  5. Knights are the heaviest armored class in the game ; actually the only one that can wear plate armor .


  6. The wound has festered . I think you should wear your armor tonight , Ser . I think you 're right .


  7. III. Weapon Type / Armor Shamans can wear medium armor and can use one-handed blunt weapons , two handed piercing weapons , and shields .


  8. Rangers wear medium armor and can use bows , crossbows , one hand slashing , one hand piercing , one hand blunt , hand to hand , and thrown weapons .


  9. Though the Mandalorian supercommandos were wiped out by the Jedi Knights , Jango was one of the few left to still wear the armor .


  10. Disciples can wear medium armor and can wield martial staffs , knuckles , martial swords , hand to hand , two-handed piercing , and two-handed slashing weapons .


  11. While the tens of thousands of foreign troops in the country travel in military convoys , carry weapons and wear body armor the majority of aid workers , foreign laborers and news correspondents usually move about without heavy protection . That gives them easier access to ordinary Afghans , but makes them more vulnerable .


  12. Wear it like armor and it can never be used to hurt you .


  13. The knights wear a special armor into battle , from which their magical ability arises .
